Friday, November 15, 2013

Fresh Fruit Tarts

Summer's berry season has long been over, it's starting to get cold outside, and Pastiche, the local dessert store, isn't selling their famous fresh fruit tarts until early next year.

So I decided to make one myself. 

I bought half a dozen medium sized tart pans on Amazon, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries, kiwis, navel oranges, a lot of eggs, and started from scratch.

Isn't it amazing how globally dependent we are? True, the strawberries aren't super sweet this time of the year, and mangoes don't really taste as good as those from Thailand but it's still readily available in the big chain grocery stores.

Right now, I'm just plain thankful I've got everything I need for my fruit tarts.

I can't believe it's been years since the last time I made these, and it feels extremely good to create these beautiful looking little fresh bundles of joy.

By the way, as much as I want to make them as visually attractive as possible, a little part inside of me wanted mine covered with slices of golden kiwi...

That didn't happen, but I promise you, it won't be long before I make my own golden kiwi tarts!

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